Smart scoring

Our flagship Bowlit is a well-thought-out scoring system that, with its stylish design and smart features, simplifies the work of our customers while conveying a modern impression to their bowlers. Let us introduce some of the many benefits of our scoring system and how it can improve your business.


Read more Book demo

Bowlit’s Booking System is easy to use and easy to administer. With its well-thought-out features, it simplifies your work while making your business safer.

Learn more about how our booking system can streamline your work.

Popular Features

Take a look at some of Bowlit’s features that make life easier & bowling more fun.

Change without restarting

With Bowlit, you can change game mode, move, number of series, or replay the last throw in the previous series at any time without losing any scores and without restarting the booking.

Delete, add & restore

Delete players, add a new or recreate a previous player with all the scores saved. Works equally well in American as in European game form.

Easy transfer

Should a bowling lane temporary have the needs to be repaired, one can easily move existing scores to another bowling lane. Without moving bookings, all subsequent bookings will start on the selected reserve bowling lane.

Media streaming

Create custom playlists and stream high-resolution videos or images behind the protocol.

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Online booking

Let customers book bowling lanes directly over the net and enter the game names before they arrive in to your bowling alley.

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League addon

Create your own bowling alley league in three easy steps. Automatic booking of bowling lanes, meetings and live statistics online. In addition, Bowlit calculates the hcp for the players and publishes the results online after each game.

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